almost 9 years ago by Emma Quinn

Infographic: Signs It’s Time To Leave Your Job

Infographic Signs Its Time To Leave Your Job

Whether you are unhappy in your current role or simply thinking of trying something new, we look at the signs it’s time to leave your job!


Are you constantly stressed about work? Do you feel as though you don’t fit in at the office? Have you experienced verbal abuse on the job? If so, you might be ready to move on. In fact, according to the experts, these are just a few of the 14 signs that it’s time to leave your job– Forbes

Most of us will move jobs a few times in our lives, sometimes due to natural career progression and sometimes due to factors of the job environment that lead us to decide to leave. By nature we become unhappy in a job if we are not mentally stimulated, happy with the people we spend each day with or other factors such as tiresome long commutes.

Sometimes an employee may seek to leave a job for a new one at the end of a hard few weeks/ months. In this case it is imperative that they first assess if it is in fact the job that is the issue or factors about what they do as a profession that they are unhappy with that? The answer to this will mean they may need a full career change, not simply a job change that is needed.

But how can you tell if you are in need of a change or may have just had a bad week in work? We look at all the signs that you need to watch for to know it’s time to leave your job, at the very least – start looking for a new one!

Should you decide it’s time you made a move, read How To Write A Winning CV to get you started!