almost 9 years ago by Next Generation

How to Land your Dream Job

How To Land Your Dream Job

Would you know how to land your dream job? What you can do to find your perfect fit and make that dream role your reality?


Have you moved from job to job without really knowing why.? Maybe you feel trapped and don’t know where to turn next in your career. Either way, despite your talents, that perfect opportunity remains elusive.



People tend to fall into a job or a particular industry sector. This may not necessarily be a bad thing; some of us are lucky enough to forge the career of a lifetime with ample opportunities and excellent earning potential. But all too often people get trapped, with no real propulsion forward and tend to move from role to role without any real clear direction or motivation. I always advise candidates that the perfect role is the one that excites you, offers the appropriate challenges, and drives you to want to succeed!



There is no point in spending a significant proportion of your life working in a role or industry that doesn’t honestly motivate you. Look at your personal passion, skillset and qualifications and go from there. Try to align the areas of work you are strongest in with areas you are passionate about. And when you’ve done that, analyse in detail what opportunities exist on the marketplace that tie into your passion. Balance your desires with pragmatism. Ensure what you really want to do is a viable career option. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious and setting your sights high, but you need to remain realistic: your career will need to provide you with the drive to want to succeed and also be financially viable. Once you know how to land your dream job, it’s time to put it in to practice.



This is so important. Thoroughly research your chosen industry/job. Network with people who are currently working in your selected industry, utilise your contacts, the social media channels and industry events in order to get under the belly of the beast. You will need to determine what organisations you want to work for and what environments best suit your capabilities. Do you want a corporate and traditional employer or a quirkier company? Is autonomy important? Flexible hours?



Once you have done your research, adapt your CV to suit the role. Your profile may not look like a natural fit for your dream role if you have chosen an industry in which you have zero experience. However, you can reengineer it by highlighting all of your transferable skills and where possible your relevant past experiences. Recall the research you did, the people you spoke with and what they said, take that on-board and marry it up with your own past experiences. You willneed to pull out all the stops in order to get that interview.



Last but not least, the delivery: send your bespoke profile and CV to your chosen company and follow it up with a phone call. Organisations like candidates who are genuinely passionate. Don’t be overly enthusiastic and call every day “ no matter how keen you are, it will come across as desperation. When you do secure that interview, the right interview preparation is paramount: get interview-ready and find out how to conduct yourself at an interview in 14 tips to remember when attending a job interview.