over 8 years ago by Next Generation

Career Advice from the Best in Business

Career Advice From The Best In Business

Taking Career Advice from the Best in Business, whether you’ re starting out or at the peak of your career, can help you on your own journey!


“Exercise humility and restraint”
– Warren Buffet, CEO/Chairman Berkshire Hathaway

“Never look back in regret – move on to the next thing
– Richard Branson, Founder /Chairman Virgin

“Embrace failure”
– J.K. Rowling, Author Harry Potter

“Say yes to more things”
– Eric Schmidt, Google Executive Chairman

“Pick something and make it great”
– Marissa Mayer, President and CEO Yahoo

“Don’t just follow your passion but something larger than yourself”
– Steve Jobs, Apple

“Keep things simple”
– Bill Gates, Co-founder/ Chairman Microsoft

“Being a ‘superstar’ can hurt your career”
– John Chen, CEO Blackberry

“Don’t listen to your parents”
– Brian Chesky, CEO Airbnb

“Keep it real”
– Dianne Von Furstenberg, Founder DVF