about 8 years ago by Linda Davis

Is NuCalm the new Mindfulness and Stress Hack?

Is Nucalm The New Mindfulness And Stress Management Hack

The world of business is moving faster than many can keep up with, resulting in business strategies needing to be agile, creating significant demands on employees to deliver while also keeping an eye on what the next strategy needs to look like to stay ahead of the competition.

With disruption being the new business and everybody talking about “change is business as usual” the performance gauge has gone up and we need to be at peak performance levels to keep a sustainable and growing career.  Coupled with demanding personal lives, mindfulness is a key component to ensure balance and empower employees to stay in control of their careers and their lives.


These changes in pace and quantity required in the office have resulted in higher levels of stress in the work place. Such high levels can have a great impact on an employee’s health, wellbeing and performance. The technology industry is notorious as a high stress, high paced working environment, but many of the top tech brands are leading the revolution for a lower stress office environment. From Google’s nap pods, in office doctors and lunch time Yoga classes to Appster’s free meals, free rides to work and in office dog to provide a relaxed environment, these tech giants are creating an optimum environment for their employees.

Personal Stress Relieving Techniques

For those of us not fortunate enough to work for companies that provide a stress-free environment, it is important that we practice techniques to calm down the body and mind. A simple 5 minute deep breathing exercise at your desk can make a huge difference to your state of mind and efficiency, while a walk or yoga session can greatly calm the body and mind’s stress levels. We have also previously written about our top ten ways to combat stress within the workplace.

There are also many innovations in technology to calm stress levels and relax the mind and body. From Headspace, a mobile phone app which is defined as a gym membership for the mind, which provides simple meditation techniques that only take 10 minutes a day, to the unique innovation that is NuCalmNuCalm uses a combination of herbal tablets, or cream, microcurrent simulation patches, noise cancelling headphones and a light blocking eye mask to create a pre sleep state to restore and relax the mind.  


Managing daily stress factors are tough on the mind and body, and it is very important that we put a focus on keeping our wellness at an optimum level. NuCalm was originally designed to calm down anxious patients going to the dentist, and is now adopted into the sports and business world and is hailed as the most innovative breakthrough of its kind.  If you are interested in mindfulness then you will be well versed with Headspace and the value of managing your mental health.  NuCalm helps achieve a level of mindfulness and relaxation that encourages the body to relax, heal and restore.

NuCalm contains a chemical element that combats the adrenaline in the body, resulting in the mind and body entering a deeply relaxed state. This relaxed state helps both the body and mind relax, repair and rejuvenate.   NuCalm achieves this state without the use of narcotics or controlled substances.

NuCalm uses a simple herbal tablet, or cream which is applied to the skin, microcurrent stimulation patches which are placed behind both ears, Noise-dampening headphones that deliver proprietary neuroacoustic software which will bring your brain wave pace to a pre-sleep stage (12Hz -4Hz), and a light blocking eye mask is used to negate visual stimuli and help maintain the NuCalm relaxation state. All four techniques combined bring the body into a relaxed, pre sleep state to restore and relax the mind. This new and innovate product is based on neuroscience technology that include four steps which brings your body and mind into a pre sleep and relaxed state within 3 minutes, and will remain in this state for a further 3-5 minutes.


It is proven that high levels of stress play a significantly negative role on mood, diet, how you look and sleep patterns, it is also said to be a route of most auto immune conditions.  NuCalm is gaining significant traction in the field of mindfulness and is gaining a proven track record in improving focus, increasing productivity and decision making.  The product follows four clear steps and has been adopted by many top athletes and business executives. NuCalm has received significant backing from the NFL, MBL and NBA.  If that isn’t a compelling reason to research the product I don’t know what is.

This product is certainly one to keep an eye on.