about 4 years ago by Mark Scully

Webinar | The Art & Science of Powerful Questions

Rtt Feb 2020

Last year we launched Recruitment Think Tank, a free monthly meetup for recruiters to come together to learn, share skills, discover technologies and evolve ideas. We invited a range of speakers and industry leaders to share their expertise and insights to help recruiters stay digitally orientated and on top of the latest trends in the industry, while also providing a platform for them to share stories and ideas with each other.

With the success of our events in November, January and February, we were excited about hosting the next event in March and having you all join us again, but then the lockdown happened due to Covid-19. All in-person events were postponed until it's safe to host them again which is disappointing, but we're delighted to announce that Recruitment Think Tank is coming back as a virtual event.

Ditch your rain jacket, turn on the kettle and enjoy our next event from the comfort of your own home when Recruitment Think Tank returns on Tuesday 15th September.  Oksana Afonina (levelup.space) will be joining us to deliver a masterclass on 'The Art & Science of Asking Powerful Questions'. 

Questioning is at the core of the interviewing process. Good questions can make or break the conversation, facilitate learning and uncover unexpected details for all parties involved. Drawing from sales and coaching theory and experience, this workshop will offer practical tips on improving questioning skills, insights on the architecture of powerful questions, and real-life case studies of dos and don'ts of interviews.

Who's this for?

This workshop is for recruiters (both agency and in-house) and hiring managers - people who interview candidates. We will cover questioning skills that improve the quality of interviews and lead to better conversion rates of candidates to hires. For recruiters, this also helps in terms of questioning clients/hiring managers to understand what is the profile of an ideal hire. The action for the audience after the presentation - reflect on and analyse their questioning style and introduce new techniques in their practice.

Sign me up!

Our interactive webinars are completely FREE and are a great opportunity for you to join a community to learn and share skills with hundreds of recruiters passionate about the latest tools, tactics and strategies in recruitment. If you'd like to join us at 4:00pm (GMT+1) on Tuesday 15th September, register today and we'll see you there.


Did you miss our last event?

If you missed our last Recruitment Think Tank meetup, you can now listen back to Dave Hazlehurst's talk.

You will learn how to gain key insights into the human truths; what we've heard, what they like and how to stand out to attract and engage. And finally, you will walk away with the steps to build a talent attraction campaign based around making friends first before you need them.