almost 2 years ago by Next Generation

5 Things You Should Not Include In Your CV

Cv Writing

​It is vital to make sure that you are only putting what is important and what you want the hiring manager to see when writing your CV. Prioritising every bit of detail about your life and work experience is more than likely going to reduce your chances of getting hired. By leaving in only what is necessary, you are laser focusing your application and presenting yourself as a compelling applicant.

It is not difficult to compile a CV these days. You can find CV templates online, or even create your own using tools like Word or Google Docs. But before you hit "send", there are a few things you should avoid including on your CV.

No one ever said a CV had to be filled with everything you’ve ever done. After all, the goal of a CV is to get you an interview, not to fill up your file folder with every job and volunteer opportunity you’ve ever taken part in. However, there are some things on your CV that can really hurt your chances of getting hired. In this blog, we’re going to share five common mistakes that people make when crafting their CV and how to avoid them.

Spelling Mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes that jobseekers make is including spelling mistakes in their CVs. While this isn’t a total deal breaker, it can lower your chances of being called for an interview or getting a job offer.

It's important to proofread your CV before you submit it to a potential employer. If there are any typos or errors, make sure to correct them before you send it off. If you don’t, you’ll look unprofessional and could lead to you being rejected from a job interview.

To avoid, or reduce the possibility of having misspellings in your CV, have a family member or a friend read it for you. Having a second set of eyes helps you pinpoint errors that you may often miss no matter how many times you brush up on the content of your CV.


When referencing hobbies, you should keep this to a minimum. Hobbies are things that you enjoy doing in your free time, but they don't necessarily reflect your skills and abilities. They can also be distractions from your work. When you're looking for a job, you want to focus on the qualities that make you stand out. Including hobbies in your CV can make it difficult to do that.

While it is important to display some aspects of your work-life balance, ensure the primary focus of your CV is on more important areas, like your education and work experience. If you speak about your hobbies in too much detail, it can give off the impression that you lack professional experience and are trying to fill up the volume of text on your CV.

Focusing more on your education and work experience will show that you're qualified for the position you're applying to.


You should never lie on your CV. This will not only make you look bad, but it can also get you into trouble with the law.

If you are ever questioned about any information in your CV, you should be able to provide accurate and truthful answers. If you cannot do this, you may find yourself in trouble.

Also, you might gravitate toward lying when including too much information because people are naturally inclined to inflate any details of their work experience just to catch someone’s attention. While not always intentional, overstating your job experience might dilute what’s important and may cause you to add information that is not really true.

Unnecessary Personal Information

When compiling your CV, be sure to avoid including any unnecessary personal information. This includes your address and phone number, political leanings, religious affiliation, or family situations.

Instead, use brief and only relevant information to help focus the attention of hiring managers on your skills and experience. Should a hiring manager want the names or addresses of your references, they will request them.

Others may include a website or a blog but unless this information is asked or is related to the job you’re applying for, leave them out of your CV and just consider sharing them during the interview.

Negative comments relating to previous employers

If you are still employed, we advise leaning away from adding details about why you are unhappy in your current position, or, negative comments about why you might have left a previous job.

You can outline the kind of role you are seeking, but ensure this is written in a positive way. For example, you can reference challenges you may have faced, but accompany this with how you overcame them. It’s important to prioritise the objective facts relating to your achievements in the role and avoid speaking resentfully about past companies.

A well-written, error-free CV is the first step toward getting that interview. You don’t have to meet all the criteria indicated in the job posting. Use your experience and willingness to your advantage by focusing on how the requirements the hiring manager is looking for are skills you can meet or learn when you’re already on the job.